
decided to do the whole retro thing today... well kinda that is.... with the loose bun and well supposed bandana which I substituted with something else obviously~ cause I thought the ribbon was cuter and I red on the top would be too much with the makeup being already darker and the lips obviously redder. Didn't do a super red lip cause i wanted more concentration on the eyes hence a more subtle red and the blush too was rather subtle now focusing on the cheek bones with it fading as it comes inwards (towards the face). Everything else is rather subtly done, even the shading since I always prefer emphasizing the eyes and making them the main focus.

Besides today's look LOL~ which I actually really wana do a tutorial on D: lol when I can, watched MIB3 yest. and yes it was DOPE! Super awesome, everyone should go check it out :D Another thing that I thought would be interesting is definitely the fact that I have INSTAGRAM~ yea baby~ Instagram~ for those who do have, ADD ME :D jut look for hatahara yes... @hatahara or just hatahara I'm practically the only one there called that :D

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