
Oh gosh, it's been so long...

So, school has been ok I guess... never really could understood the reason why Tutorial Week is smack in the middle of well the term but it's useful if you have 2 weeks worth of work undone and no school that week so yea...

Besides that, I cut my hair (^ A ^);;

Finally i did something right!

Was too bored with long hair and it made me feel very boring and common so I cut it... to only realize now it's still the same but I feel happier for some reason... so let's leave it at that....

Moved away from the pastel and crazy colours since everyone is doing it now... like seriously?

Gradient is still ok but too common ... so I shifted back to a subtle shade of brown... lol even more common but well I can say that I love it...

Honestly wanted orange or close to it... like a hint of red but didn't want to pay the salon to do it so just bought a box of dye and did it myself instead...

Am rather happy with it ^^

Another awesome thing that has been going on is the new accessories that I have and the planning of making 1 ... all I lack are clips to attach the thing on but am looking forward to the final result!!

The weather has been awesome too though I can definitely say that the work load is slowly increasing... well it is the last 7 weeks of school...

Even though I hate dreamweaver, I am actually planning to revamp my site AGAIN! and this time if possible officially publish one ... though that would take me a while since I haven't even started planning the pictures and fonts and colour scheme I'm going for...

Am also gonna do an outfit post real soon... so look out for that !

But till then,

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