2NE1 New Evolution Concert

Shirt, Topman. Leather hardness, handmade. 

Just came back not long ago from the 2NE1 new evolution concert which by the way was really awesome. It was their last tour date and so many things happened it was definitely hard to say but I did have fun. I've seen so many fans copy a look from their music videos and stuff like that when going for the concert and thought I should do it too. After all it's not everyday you get to go for a concert and well I thought I should have fun with it rather than just be like everyone else. I guess fans in Singapore are different from countries like Japan where they'd dress up and all since not many did which was rather sad...

Anyway so I was thinking of which look to go for since I do adore the "I love you" mv and the " I am the best" mv too... but recreating such designs would take me quite awhile... and so I tried copying the "Clap your hands" mv look. I took their 3rd look which was a military, tribal kind of look. Love the tattoos, harnesses and stuff so I did. Didnt really go all out on the tattoos since well I didnt really see the need to but I hand made the leather harness which obviously you cant see here fully but I'll try to get a different outfit picture with it the next time.

The makeup was more grunge unlike the mv though I did copy Minzy's look with the markings on her face. I added copper brown and dark brown to it ... the actual eye makeup is fully black.

Other than this well, the full look consist of my Topshop waxed jeans and black dr marts which obviously are not in the picture and I will probably never get a full shot of it ... maybe.... but yea... I made an effort none the less.

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